Beyond the Seas
Here, on this podcast, we explore all the fascinating realms of mythology and folklore, along with the modern-day practice of The Old Ways--to understand how working with the past and present leads us to a more fulfilling future.
Stories are so vastly important to me--listen weekly for a new original, short-form tale that introduces each topic. Recipes, blends, practices, and ceremonies meet with the surviving tales from around the world and its cultures to create both an educational and relaxing, practical experience.
As always, grab your favorite bottle of red and settle in for a new tale--as I take you...
Beyond the Seas.
Instagram: @beyondtheseaspodcast
Email me at beyondtheseaspodcast@gmail.com
Further info: www.kierandanaan.com/beyond-the-seas
Beyond the Seas
The Magick of Crystals and Gemstones
The tools of the Craft are varied and many, but there is a resonance in these gifts from Mother Earth Herself. Where do we find these magickal manifestations of power, and how might we enlist their aid in our Craft today?
Instagram: @beyondtheseaspodcast - 250 Followers by Summer Solstice and we go to Salem!!!
EMAIL ME: beyondtheseaspodcast@gmail.com
Tarot Collaboration: @thefeatherwitchnyc
Weekly Book: The Pool of Two Moons
Podcast website: https://beyondtheseas.buzzsprout.com/
More info: https://www.kierandanaan.com/beyond-the-seas
Subscribe for all the mythological and folkloric episodes, posted weekly.
-Groove, Buddha. "Clear Quartz: The Master Healing Stone." Balance by Buddha Groove, blog.buddhagroove.com/clear-quartz-the-master-healing-stone.
-Larkin, Brett. "How Crystals are Formed." Tiny Rituals, 17 July 2021. tinyrituals.co/blogs/tiny-rituals/how-crystals-are-formed. (referenced)
"Heavy Clouds Drawn Back" by Be Still the Earth
"Intimacy" by Ben Winwood
"In Front of Your Eyes" by Be Still the Earth
"Breaking Through" by Kevin Graham
"Irish Mountains" by Ben Winwood
Cheers Magick Makers,
In the beginning, there was our Great Mother: Danu.
Enwrapped in the darkness of the Void, she sent out her vitality,
And life sprang forth.
And within that matrix of complexities, spirits, and souls,
Was a family that began their lives deep within the bosom of her body,
Deep within the Earth itself.
Intricate patterns of atoms and molecules, magicks and powers,
That bound together in structures and forms,
To create the gifts for humans and creatures alike.
The gifts of the Earth to create and aid in the art of Magick.
Blues and yellows, reds and greens,
Silver and Gold and in between.
Danu smiled as the Crystal Family grew,
Knowing that the Bright Ones on Earth,
The Witches,
Would one day relate to them and create wonders throughout the world.
And deep within her heart,
She relaxed and released a breath,
Knowing that the future was secure for her magickal children.
Even though, in the beginning of time itself, she knew—
That her work…
Had only just begun.
(transition music)
Grand tidings and welcome to you on this, the Thirty-First episode, of Beyond the Seas. My name is Kieran and here we are again, back at it for another week. And in Colorado this week! The plane ride was smooth and steady and I took one big gulp of fresh Rocky Mountain air when I got out of the airport. Magick Makers, it is absolutely gorgeous out here and I cannot wait to spend the next few weeks doing work and the show. A reminder: Claudia and I are posting daily reels over on the Instagram, @beyondtheseaspodcast, to reach our goal of 250 by the Summer Solstice—and the clock is counting itself down. So hit that follow button and share those reels on your story when they post! If we reach our goal, I get to take Claudia to Salem for witchy supplies and items for future giveaways. Also, follow Claudia’s account, @thefeatherwitchnyc, to watch and learn from her tarot collaboration reels she posts for the show. She teaches the Tarot one card at a time, one week at a time, and the reels are brilliant. Finally, please give the show a five-star review because it does help bolster the show in the Podcast apps, so it may appear in front of more eyes and witches and folklore lovers. So as always, thank you for being here with me today.
And now, artistic and literary updates! We are steadily prepping the show here at Theatre SilCo, in Colorado, and the cast is such a joy to work with. I played Sherlock Holmes last summer with the theatre, in the play Baskerville, and having the opportunity to reprise the role is truly wonderful. Tickets are available for the show on thesilco.org, if you are in the Silverthorne area—and do hurry to snatch them up, as they are starting to go extremely quickly. And now, the book! Continuing on with The Witches of Eileanan series, I am now almost done with The Pool of Two Moons, wherein there is much…sitting around and talking. Hahaha! I do love the series, don’t get me wrong, but this one was…a lot of jargon. Lot of park and bark, as we say in the theatre. So. If you are following along with the reading this week, prepare thyself for a lot of…talking. HA!
And now, the Card of the Week! This week is no joke, kiddos, because there is an air of “don’t mess with me!” And the card Claudia pulled echoes that and more: The Queen of Wands. Surround yourself with the things you love and need in your craft: the tools and bits and pieces of knowledge that helps you not only create magick, but also empower yourself. As Claudia says, this card is the fuel for inspiration, passion, and destiny, and infusing that fuel into your magickal tools. Without your will and desire a rock is a rock, a book is a book. Creation is yours. So go out there this week, with that “don’t mess with me” attitude—that arises from a grounded sense of self and empowerment—and go rock it.
And now, the Wine of the Week! So before I left Manhattan, I spent much time with many friends—I was literally in the city for two weeks. And when I spent time with my dear friend Amanda, down in Brooklyn, we ventured to the gorgeous Brooklyn Botanical Gardens—where there is an entire garden full of nothing but roses—then shuffled around until we ended up back at her place. Naturally, food and board games were made and played, and a bottle of 2021 Elouan Pinot Noir, from Oregon, was poured. Lemme tell you, this lil guy was a delicious companion and I welcome his company again and again. It was fizzy and natural, organic and wild. It was one of the best Pinots I have had in a long, long time. It had strong notes of strawberry, blueberry, cherry, raspberry—very berry forward—and a slight hint of milk chocolate. Pair it with chicken curry, a little helping of bowtie pasta, some tangy salads, and oven-roasted butternut squash.
And, finally, this week’s topic. I planned out the next five weeks worth of episodes and I am so glad that I did because this topic has been scratching at my mind and wanting to be talked about for ages. So this week is the week: let us dive into the Magick of Crystals and Gemstones. I am a crystal witch, hands down, 10,000%. They are my jam and my jive, and I am going to break down several of the stones I use in my practice, as well as some rare gemstones that I am manifesting will come into my life through a lovely donor so I may cast even more powerful spells. Ergo, how are crystals formed in the Earth? Are there certain crystals for certain purposes? What are the Master Stones? And how do we incorporate these tools into our Craft today?
For now, grab your favorite bottle of red, find a comfy chair, and close your eyes as I tell you the tale of The Magick of Crystals and Gemstones—and take you…
Beyond the Seas.
(transition music)
The attachment of witchcraft to crystals is highly common, and a notion that stretches back far into the distant past. Presumably, stones and gemstones have held sacred places in the minds of spiritual leaders and practitioners of old: the standing stone circles, which include traces of quartz, within the many islands and lands of Europe, South America, the Middle East, and Asia. The obsidian daggers used in Mayan rituals and sacrifices. And Amethyst in the Greek and Roman world, to ward off inebriation after having one too many.
Crystals have a vast amount of properties, as science has studied and proven. Firstly, however, where do crystals come from? Scientifically, the study of crystals is known as Crystallography, which refers to the investigation of minerals with crystalline structures. Crystals form when molecules come together to stabilize themselves when a liquid begins to cool or harden—this process is known as crystallization. Think of magma when it hardens or when water begins to evaporate from a natural substance within the earth. Of course, humidity and temperature and pressure all play a part in the crystallization process, but what is so fascinating is the difference in molecular structure that causes different crystals to form. It is the way more atoms join in with those molecules, and the repetitive pattern they create as they do so, that communicates the overall structure of its molecular data—and therefore, what type of crystal it is. Different elements, in different patterns, makes different outcomes. Just like different ingredients make different dishes. You with me so far, magick makers?
Thus, crystals and gemstones are some of the shiniest, rarest, smoothest, roughest, and most magickal gifts from Planet Earth. They are scientifically produced, but imbued with the energies and magick of the Great Mother herself. I view them as the tangible manifestation of opposites: scientific processes producing metaphysical tools. It is the perfect blend of right and left sides of the brain. Regardless, once we have procured our chosen crystals from the Earth—be it through rock hounding, shifting of pans in a stream, digging through mountain tunnels, or supporting your ethically bought minerals at your local witchcraft shop—we now have the ability to apply knowledge with wisdom. What crystals suit what purposes? How do we activate and charge these crystals, after having first cleansed and consecrated them?
To begin, I am going to talk about the stones I use most often in my personal practice, as a lens of which to discuss the overall structure of cleansing, consecrating, activating, and charging your crystals. Ergo, my most favorite stone of all, that is strewn all across my altar and home and person and collection: Clear Quartz. Here is some info on the stone itself, from the Balance by Buddha Grove website: “Clear Quartz is known in the gemstone world as the “Master Healer” because it can be used for any and all personal ailments. It’s a powerful manifestation tool: no matter your emotional or spiritual needs, Clear Quartz can be programmed to address and manifest just about any intention. Because it vibrates at all color frequencies, it’s attuned to the entire Chakra system: use it to focus on a specific energy center or heal all seven Chakras for overall balance and harmony. Clear Quartz also clears away any personal blockages, cleansing your soul to leave you feeling refreshed and renewed.
“Energy-wise, clear quartz does it all! It absorbs, stores, enhances and releases energy as well as balances and focuses its flow. It amplifies the energy of other stones, making it a great addition to any crystal collection and an excellent gem to pair with other crystal jewels. If you’re looking to rev up the properties of another stone, using it in tandem with Clear Quartz will strengthen its effects. Clear Quartz also protects your spirit from negativity and cleanses the air of electromagnetic smog: we suggest placing it in the home to maintain a clear atmosphere and keep the good vibes flowing.
“A stone of clarity, clear quartz cleanses your spirit of negative energy in order to illuminate your deepest wishes and desires. It’s excellent for memory and concentration: with Clear Quartz, you’re able to think and focus a little more clearly. It purifies on all levels in order to elevate your spirit to a higher level of awareness. Clear Quartz also strengthens your spiritual connections and expands your consciousness: use it get more closely attuned to your inner divine energy and get in touch with your higher self.”
Clear Quartz is literally the stone you can do anything with. If you put the right intention into it, it will happen. It is the stone of all stones, as Buddha Grove mentions. Now, with all of its powers in mind, how does one cleanse, consecrate, activate, and charge it? Begin by taking your chosen quartz crystal—since it does not contain minerals that dissolve in water, you may wish to submerge it within a body of water or running stream to clear it of unwanted energies. Breathe upon it as you cup it within your hands, visualizing the energies that are not yours flowing away. Bury the crystal overnight in the Earth, or underneath the full moon, to not only cleanse it, but also charge it. The ways of cleansing a crystal are vast and many, but here is a word of caution: any stone that ends in -ite, will dissolve in water. Stones like selenite, malachite, opalite, for example—do not let them touch water. They will go away and bad things will happen, namely you being sad.
You have a cleansed crystal now. Then, consecrate it by chanting words of power over it, within your constructed sacred space. Invite in the Gods and Ancestors to aid you in raising Earth Energy to imbue within the stone, as you once again cup it in your palms. Visualize the energy from the earth flowing into it and lighting it from within. Ask the Gods and Ancestors for their blessings upon it.
Then, to activate: chant your chosen intention over the stone, for example, to cleanse your aura. Visualize the manifestation of your intention as you chant its use repetitively, until you feel the power has been raised and imbued within the stone. It is now activated.
Finally, to charge: there are several other stones that are self-charging, such as Selenite. Acquire pieces of said stone and place all other crystals alongside it to charge. Leave the stone outside, beneath a full moon or for several hours underneath the Sun, so as to allow it to take within itself the energies of the heavens. Lay it upon the Earth so that its healing energies may charge the stone from the ground and surrounding wildlife. If in a pinch, and do so rarely, hold the stone in your hand and see some of your own energy flowing from you and into the stone, so as to imbue it quickly. I would venture to say that is an emergency situation, but float your boat man.
Thus, we now have our outline of how to use crystals—at the most basic format. But what other crystals do I personally use and suggest all magick makers have themselves, too?
Amethyst is my next favorite. It is one of the gentlest stones and radiates nothing but peace. Place it beneath your pillow to drive away insomnia and nightmares. Place the stone in your hands while meditating, or directly upon your third eye, to enhance psychic abilities and the opening of your intuition. Place it on a necklace and wear against your chest, so as to drive away negativity, addictions, depressions, anxieties, and fears. It is a powerful stone to use when on edge or when needing visions and sight of others and future occurrences.
Citrine. The stone for protection and money. It appears with a yellow-orange color due to the iron content that is held within the molecular structure of the crystal. Use it in the southern edge of your circle, to invoke the powers of Fire and feeling into your sacred space. Carry with you in your purse or bag to attract good fortune and wealth. Place the stone near entranceways, so as to protect against thieves and ill-wishes. Wear around your neck or as a ring to increase self-power and confidence, as well as project an outward energy of confidence and strength.
Smoky Quartz. The stone for uncovering mysteries and Shadow Work. It is the stone of mysteries and I absolutely adore Smoky Quartz. It has its dark, shadowy appearance due to radiation from nearby minerals that interact with the aluminum content in its molecular structure. This is one of the most versatile stones and I use it for practically everything in my own practice. Wear around your person to conceal your presence from unwanted eyes and blend more into the background. Place in corners of your home or buried around your property to create circles of protection against evil spirits and unwanted negativities. Create a grid with a smoky quartz generator to open the ways betwixt your sacred space and the Otherworld, to better communicate with your Higher Self and the Ancestors. Place the stone in the northern edge of your circle to invoke the powers of Earth and the darkness of midnight. Give offerings of smoky quartz to dark deities like Hecate, Kali, The Cailleach, and Gwyn ap Nudd.
Lapis Lazuli. To enhance communication and increase your intuitive abilities. I adore the sparkly flecks of color and bright blues of this stone. It is blue because of its lazurite content, which sulpher then interacts with chemically to produce the royal blue tint. Wear this stone around your neck to increase your intuition and open yourself to psychic phenomena. Place within your hands and around your body in a circle if practicing the art of mediumship and spirit communication. When working with the Fae Folk, place this stone in your working area, to attract their attention and good will. Rest this stone in the eastern edge of your circle, to invoke the powers of Air into your sacred space and the powers of your own intelligence. It is a powerful stone for wisdom and clarity, so use when you need help deciding among different possible paths or potential relationships.
Labradorite. The stone for intuition, dreams, and the power of water. This shimmering nature of this stone, when held up to the light, is absolutely breathtaking. Scientifically, the shimmer is produced when light refracts off of the layers of calcium and sodium-rich feldspar held within the stone. So there ya be on that, hahaha. If you are working with the powers of the West and Water and Intuition, baby, use pieces of Labradorite in your work. I have several pieces myself, one of which was gifted to me by a dear, dear wise woman—and it holds a special place on my altar. It connects most wonderfully with the powers of intuition, emotion, confidence, self-assurance, communication, and psychic abilities. It opens the way between this world and the Others, and creates space for the Ancestors to communicate with you. Place throughout your home to create a flow of cleansing energy, much like the flow of water itself. And carry with you whenever you are on a first date, so as to be the best and most natural version of yourself.
Refill your drinking horns, your goblets, your chalices, for the second half of The Magick of Crystals and Gemstones after this brief break.
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This story of the Crystal Family and the Magick of its Stones and Gems would be remiss if I did not include the powers of five precious stones that reflect and represent the Five Elements. Let us now examine Topaz for Air, Ruby for Fire, Sapphire for Water, Emerald for Earth, and Diamond for Spirit.
Topaz is the precious stone for Air and for clarity and awareness. It is one of the most ancient of stones and was highly popular in Rome, Egypt, and Medieval Europe for its presentation of power and nobility. When needing some royal-ness in your day, acquire a piece of yellow, white, or blue topaz to add to your outfit. As I find it relating to Air, use in your sacred circle on the holy days of the eight sabbats, throughout the Wheel of the Year.
Ruby is the precious stone for Fire and for passion and prosperity. It is a talisman against foolish thoughts and the daily evils of our lives. When worn on the person, it activates the Base Chakra and increases our life force by opening the way for Prana, or chi, to enter the body. Therefore, it is an aphrodisiac, increasing our sexual desires and libido. If ya wanna get frisky, get a ruby in the room, magick makers. This show is clean, this show is clean! Hahaha. It also increases our vitality, so use when you want to feel young again and to promote longevity of life itself. Finally, use in the southern edge of the circle for Fire during all holy Sabbats.
Sapphire is the precious stone of water and is most excellent to ward off evil. Because of its rich, blue color, it was believed by the Ancients to be a stone from the Heavens, as blue is associated with the Divine and the Stars. Witches use this stone to communicate with the spirits and the realm of the dead—and as it is most associated with water, I believe, that makes complete sense. Water is liminal and a doorway betwixt our world and the other, so use this stone when opening the Veil between the worlds or when carefully working with a Ouija board. It is best worn when communicating with spirits, as it will not only increase the channels of communication, but also protect you in the process. Place in the western edge of the circle during all holy days of the eight Sabbats.
Emerald is the precious stone of Earth and for fertility and the gift of foresight. The Ancients believed that one would receive the gift of wit and brevity, if bestowed with an emerald. There are legends from India that tell of vast cities built entirely from emerald, which prompted the travelers to the New World to believe they found such cities when they dug up emeralds and rubies. Of course, there is such a city in the land of Oz, but hitching a ride there requires a tornado or some ruby heels. Regardless, use this stone when seeking to increase abundance and fertility, or to sharpen the mind in legal matters or business deals. Place in the northern edge of the circle for all holy days of the Sabbats.
Finally, Diamond is the precious stone for Spirit and for strength, clear sight, imagination, and spirituality. There is a legend that bespeaks of the God of the Mines taking Topaz, Ruby, Emerald, and Sapphire, and crushing them all down and mixing them together to create the king of gems, the perfect stone—the Diamond. It is the known as the King of Gems, and is the hardiest stone on the planet. It is associated with lightning, clarity, illumination, and superiority. Use this stone to attract material wealth, abundance, psychic phenomena, and activation of the crown and higher chakras. Place within the center of your sacred circle during all holy days of the Sabbats.
Whewweeeeeee, that is a lot of territory we covered with precious and semiprecious gems and crystals! Give ourselves a pat on the back for sure. Now that we know what certain stones are used for…how do we use them? We use them to heal, create, destroy, reflect, and attract. They are amplifiers of magick and energy, when used in the hands of the witches. One of my favorite ways to use crystals is a particular pattern that, once activated and controlled, becomes a beacon for manifestation. It is the crystal grid.
There are numerous ways to construct a grid, from the making and using of certain plates with intricate geometric patterns embedded upon them, to fashioning a circle of stones by hand. Regardless of the pattern, it is the intention behind it all that counts. First, focus upon your desired intention—for example, the attraction of good fortune into the home. Acquire stones that relate to this purpose, such as clear quartz and labradorite, and place within a circle on your altar. If more than one stone is used, try alternating them so as to increase the flow of vitality and energy among them. Once the pattern has been set, take up your wand or finger and begin with the stone you placed in the center of this shape. Visualize and feel bright white light filling its interior, then trace this light with your wand or finger to each of the other stones and back to the center crystal. Do this around the entire shape, connecting each stone to the center one—then, finally, connect all the crystals together with this light by tracing your wand or finger in a circle. It is a very intuitive practice and is very much an individualistic approach. Never forget to remain focused upon your goal while constructing the grid and completing its activation.
The center stone of a crystal grid is important to discuss. What I love placing there are generator stones, which are flat at the bottom and terminate at a strong point at the top. These crystals radiate power upwards and out, and are perfect to send the conjured energy in the grid out into the Universe to manifest your chosen desire. Some of my favorite generator stones are clear quartz, as it is the most versatile of stones. Other distinctive shapes include crystal pyramids, which may be used to attract or deflect—depending upon whether the tip of the pyramid is held upright or downwards. Crystal Spheres are perfect for scrying and divination, as they increase the power of the Third Eye when focused upon in a candlelit room.
There is one more type of crystal that I want to discuss: Lemurian Crystals. Typically, they are of quartz and show distinctive lines and ridges embedded upon a sheer, smooth side of the stone. Legend states that the Ancients from the lost land of Lemuria encoded their knowledge, wisdom, and magick into the stones before the fall of its civilization. Lemurian Crystals are somewhat rare—I myself have one piece that is safely tucked away and used for very special occasions. It is best used when attempting to reach into the past, communicating with Those Who Have Gone Before, and the reading of the Akashic Records. They assist in astral projection, out of body experiences, and the tapping into ancestral and ancient knowledge. There is much knowledge and magick that has been lost throughout the millennia, and Lemurian Crystals are wonderful tools to help us reclaim that lost knowledge in dreams and meditations, so as to teach them once again in our world to future generations.
Therefore, it is to the future we look when practicing the art of The Magick of Crystals and Gemstones. They are tools and gifts from the Earth, that grow in abundance and might throughout our world. They direct us to face the future bravely and courageously, aiding in our journey towards manifesting our goals and desires. They give aesthetic pleasure, and magickal might. They remind us to stay grounded, whole, secure, and safe within our persons, homes, and relationships—and to take risks by putting ourselves out there. There is nothing we cannot do once we put our minds to it. And thus, the power of these stones and gems will aid us along that journey. And as a result, your magick, my magick—our magick—will always be stronger…because of it.
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The stories, research, and production elements were done and edited, respectively, by me, Kieran, with sources attached in the description. If you want to be a guest on the show, or have a topic you wish me to explore and discuss, send me an email at beyondtheseaspodcast@gmail.com. And be sure to hit the follow button, on whichever platform you enjoy the podcast, and look forward to more content next week. Until then, seek the veil between the worlds, and allow yourself to travel…Beyond the Seas.