Beyond the Seas

The Witches' Pyramid

Kieran Danaan Season 1 Episode 29

The foundation of the Craft is powerful and magnanimous, having been handed down to us throughout the generations. It survived persecution, death, and destruction--to arrive in the modern day with perfect love and perfect trust. How might we continue to enact change in this ever-so magickal year? What components of The Witches' Pyramid sing to us today?

Instagram: @beyondtheseaspodcast - 250 Followers by Summer Solstice and we go to Salem!
Tarot Collaboration: @thefeatherwitchnyc
Weekly Book:
The Witches of Eileanan
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Subscribe for all the mythological and folkloric episodes, posted weekly.

-Aburrow, Yvonne. "The Witches' Pyramid." Dowsing for Divinity, 11 October 2020.
-Mankey, Jason. "The Witches' Pyramid." Raise the Horns, 26 December 2018.

"Fire Sleeper" by Dear Gravity
"Intimacy" be Ben Winwood
"The Deafening Silence Inside Your Head" by The SoundKeeper
"Seven Years" by Josh Leake
"Irish Mountains" by Ben Winwood

Cheers Folx,

If there is one constant in this world, it is change. 

The power to flow with the tides of the Spinners and Weavers of Fate. 

For in their grand design, we know that there are inevitable outcomes beyond our control in our lives.

And yet, they gift us with one powerful motif:

There are others that are entirely within our own control. 

And thus, it is with scire, velle, audere, tacere, 

Air, Fire, Water, and Earth,

That we venture forth today. 

For in that foundational pathway of wisdom and knowledge, 

We understand the secrecy of our magick—and the source of our power.

As we venture forth through this profound year of change,

And witness the consequences of actions throughout our reality,

In our spirits we know to bind the will to the imagination,

Flowing through our knowledge and its secrecy,

So as to change our world and our lives. 

As our ancestors lived by and taught us, 

As our forefathers and mothers handed down to us, 

We revel in the delight of seeing the unseen and knowing the unknown. 

For in the blending of opposites, and the conflagration of light and shadow,

We create our strongest acts of undeterrable magick.

And know, as a global coven, that our work…

Has only just begun.

(transition music)


            Grand tidings and welcome to you on this, the twenty-ninth episode, of Beyond the Seas. My name is Kieran and here we are again, back at it for another week—and back in New York City! I have to tell you, the past few weeks for the show have been so crazy because of all the traveling I have done: I was in Cincinnati to see a dear friend on her national tour, then back to Indianapolis to fly westward to the grand state of California—to visit the illustrious tinsel-town city of Los Angeles. I had never been to California before and wanted to see and experience that state, and understand if LA is a possible new home. And let me tell you, the land and its spirits out there were singing! It is a magickal place and I highly recommend everyone venture there if they are so able. 

            Also, Claudia and I have been talking about the social media for the podcast: we are going to introduce daily reels over on the show’s Insta, @beyondtheseaspodcast, to garner and attract those 250 followers by the Summer Solstice. So head on over there and hit that follow button, and tell all your friends, so you may all follow along with the journey and our updates. Also, while you’re there, head to Claudia’s Insta, @thefeatherwitchnyc, to follow along with her weekly tarot collaboration she and I have with the show. She teaches the tarot one card at a time, one week at a time, and is completely brilliant. We can’t wait to see you on the social media threads and ways. 

            And now, artistic and literary updates! So Forbidden Broadway at Actors’ Theatre of Indiana is officially done and closed—and I am back home in grand ol’ Manhattan. It was such a ride out there in the Midwest and I am so grateful to that theater for always having me back. Now, though, guess what? I am furiously learning 91 pages of line for my NEXT SHOW! Yep, you guessed it, I have another one coming up in like two weeks, hahahaha! It is Moriarty: A New Sherlock Holmes Mystery with Theatre SilCo, in the amazing, amazing Rocky Mountains of Colorado. I was there last summer, playing the title role of Sherlock Holmes himself, and so honored and grateful to be reprising the same role for this upcoming show. If you are in the Silverthorne area of Colorado, to be sure to buy your tickets to the show, as several performances are already sold out—and we haven’t even started rehearsals yet! Love it. It is sure to be one hell of a ride. And now, the book: I have revisited one of my favorite series in the world, that starts with The Witches of Eileanan by Kate Forsyth. If you have not yet heard of this series, here is my gift to you: in the land of Eileanan, witchcraft has been outlawed by the Rìgh and Banrìgh, causing the Towers across the land to burn and fall. The Coven of Witches has been scattered, murdered, burned, and killed—much of its knowledge and wisdom lost forever. Thus, we are introduced to young Ysabeau, an apprentice witch, who sets forth on a quest ordered by her mentor, Meghan of the Beasts, to deliver an important talisman and set forth plans to save the island of Eileanan and restore the Towers and the power of the witches. It is such a juicy, juicy little read that is filled with much mythology and folklore—and it is a delightful piece of fantastical escapism. Head to your local library or second-hand bookshop to pick up a copy for yourselves—or the audiobook version that I am listening to on the subway—and follow along with me as we continue our trek through its literary prowess this week.

            And now, the Card of the Week! Things are ablaze and they are a’changin’ because it is none other than The Knight of Wands this week! I mean, hello, change is here people. This week, we are burning away the old to allow space for the new to come flooding in. And also a reminder that emotions are high and hot right now, so slow and steady breaths are the name of the game. There are constant revolving doors of highly emotional moments to come, and it is how we respond to them that makes or breaks us. What are your natural tendencies in such moments? When news of a highly charged event comes your way, how do you normally respond? Thus ultimately, what no longer serves you—and what might you need to remove from your life to clear the way for better responses and tendencies? As Claudia says, it’s your path and you forge it—just be aware that it will be dark, scary, hard, and lonely. But the power to thrive and grow remains inside you—nourish and trust in that inner strength.

            And now, the Wine of the Week! So surprise, surprise, I was in Los Angeles last week, and had the great opportunity to try out several amazing restaurants while I was there. One was OlivA, in Sherman Oaks, just a wee bit north of the city, and immediately stared at their wine list. The one that jumped out to me was Salmon Creek’s 2017 Cabernet Sauvignon. Man, having a California red in California was the perfect situation—and it was so, so, so good. It wasn’t too thick of a wine, and went so well with a tangy salad I had and a mushroom fettucine in a light lemon olive oil dressing. It had strong notes moss, a little peat, dark chocolate, sweet blackberries, coffee, and some smoky oak. It pairs extremely well with tangy, sour dishes, as well as traditional red sauces and hefty portions of tiramisu. 

            And, finally, this week’s topic. I am daily surprised, time and time again, with the amount of change happening in this year, both within others’ lives and my own. Change is such a powerful notion, philosophically and practically. And that is what lead me to research and explore our topic today: The Witch’s Pyramid. It is the foundation of our craft, and lends the proper framework for all our acts of magick. Thus, pull out your pencils and papers, and settle in for class—because we are going back to the power of the basics. Are you ready for change?

            Ergo, grab your favorite bottle of red, find a comfy chair, and close your eyes as I tell you the tale of The Witches’ Pyramid—and take you…

            Beyond the Seas.

            (transition music)


            Studies in magick have more often than not been solitary, especially in the modern age, right? It is rather lonely to practice the craft of magick without a teacher, mentor, or coven to help guide the way. And thus, to the books containing the ancient knowledge of the old ways do we turn. We sit in our dens, studies, bedrooms, and secret hiding places to read about the practices of old—and how to touch upon the luminescent. To create actual change in our lives. To first tap into the energies of our world and then will them towards manifesting our goals and desires. 

            The foundation of our practice is The Witch’s Pyramid, which, I believe personally, is the key to unlocking the power of witchcraft. It is the roadmap and guide for creating change in our world, with as simple an act as lighting a candle or sending the breath away. But what exactly is this notion and idea—and most importantly, where did it come from? There is a fabulous article I found in my research that answers these questions and more—thus to Jason Mankey on Raise the Horns do we turn our attention. 

            “The Witches’ Pyramid is a magickal philosophy that predates Modern Witchcraft and was first articulated by the French occultist and magician Eliphas Levi (1810–1875) in his two-volume Transcendental Magic: Its Doctrine and Ritual, released in 1854 and 1856. In Transcendental Magic Levi writes:

            “‘To attain the SANCTUM REGNUM, in other words, the knowledge and power of the Magi, there are four indispensable conditions an intelligence illuminated by study, an intrepidity which nothing can check, a will which cannot be broken, and a prudence which nothing can corrupt and nothing intoxicate. TO KNOW, TO DARE, TO WILL, TO KEEP SILENCE such are the four words of the Magus, inscribed upon the four symbolical forms of the sphinx.’

            “For Levi, the magi were the carriers of magickal tradition. Just before introducing his readers to what would become the Witches’ Pyramid, he writes that ‘magic is the traditional science of the secrets of nature which has been transmitted to us from the magi.’ In Levi’s world, in order to become a successful magician one must be like the magi, and to be like the magi one must adhere to the four principles of ‘to know, to dare, to will, to keep silence.’

            “Levi is quite explicit in what these four principles mean. To be a magician, one must know one’s craft and study, and be fearless in that study, afraid of nothing that it might reveal. This requires an iron constitution and a deep inner strength, along with a sense of judgment unhindered by outside forces. Because Levi equates his four words of the magus with the legendary sphinx, his indispensable conditions are sometimes referred to as the Four Powers of the Sphinx. In ceremonial magick circles they are often called the Four Powers of the Magus (or Magician). The term Witches’ Pyramid is used exclusively in Witchcraft and was most likely first used in the 1950s, seventy-five years after Levi’s death.

            “Levi was a tremendously influential magician and thinker, and his four powers were picked up by the Golden Dawn as well as Aleister Crowley (an initiate of the Golden Dawn), who incorporated them into his practice of Thelema. Crowley introduced a fifth idea into Levi’s powers, the power ‘to go.’ Crowley’s addition would eventually make it into some Witchcraft traditions where ‘to go’ is equated with the element (or power) of spirit.

            “Modern Witchcraft has a long history of being influenced by ceremonial magick, so it’s not surprising that many Witches picked up on the ideas of Levi. The first book containing Modern Witch rituals, Paul Huson’s Mastering Witchcraft…mentions the Witches’ Pyramid as an essential magickal first step. Instead of using the familiar ‘to know, to will, etc.,’ Huson writes about the four powers as ‘a virulent imagination, a will of fire, rock-hard faith and a flair for secrecy.’ These ideas sync up nicely with Levi’s original vision and remove any ambiguity in the meaning of the Four Powers.

            “The first book to feature complete Witch rituals published by a major press was Lady Sheba’s Book of Shadows, published in 1971. In that work Sheba begins with the Witches’ Pyramid, which she calls the ‘foundation’ of Witch power. Like Huson, she doesn’t use Levi’s short-and-sweet phrasing but instead describes the four sides of the pyramid like this:

            “‘The first side of the four so-called sides of the pyramid is your dynamic, controlled will; the second, your imagination or the ability to see your desire accomplished; third, unshakable and absolute faith in your ability to accomplish anything you desire; and fourth, secrecy—'power shared is power lost’ …

            “‘These four things, will power, imagination, faith, and secrecy are the basic rules and the absolute basic requirements for the working of Witchcraft.’

            “Huson’s and Sheba’s books have been wildly influential over the last forty-plus years and are worth mentioning here because they are the foundation of ‘do-it-yourself’ Wicca outside of an established tradition. By writing about the Witches’ Pyramid, they guaranteed that it would be a part of numerous Witch traditions and practices, and that its ideas would be shared, debated, practiced, and elaborated on long into the future.

            “As Witchcraft has grown over the last seventy years, the Witches’ Pyramid has grown alongside it, with each of its four tenets being given additional meaning. As with most things pertaining to the Craft, there are several different interpretations of the Witches’ Pyramid, and it’s possible that other authors and Witches will disagree with my understanding of them. Traditionally the four sides of the pyramid are thought to build upon one another, which means that without knowing, there can be no daring; without daring, there is no action; and with no action, there is no need to remain silent—thus no change is created or achieved. 

            Here, Jason begins his explanation of each side of the Witches’ Pyramid, which I agree with wholeheartedly. “To Know: There are many different types of knowing, which makes the first lesson of the pyramid open to several different interpretations. As Witches we should obviously possess a degree of book knowledge and an understanding of how our practices work, but knowing’ is a continual process. We don’t have all the answers once we are initiated or make our first contact with the Goddess. We must be dedicated to seeking wisdom and truth in our lives.” What I love about this particular insight is the continuous process we all have in seeking knowledge and wisdom. It is a life-long practice and journey, and does not end once we have found a modicum of success. If anything, it should catapult us even more assiduously into our studies on the practice of magick.

            “Knowing is also about what is inside of us. Answers exist both within ourselves and out in the greater world. A wise Witch knows not to give up on [his] dreams and desires. After all, it’s often our dreams and wishes that fuel our magick and give us hope when things look bleak. Creative visualization—the ability to see what we want in our mind’s eye—is one of magick’s foundations. ‘To know’ is often associated with the element of air.

            “To Dare: Magick is often uncomfortable. We might create the cone of power to the point of exhaustion, and for many of us, simply finding Witchcraft required a gigantic leap of faith. Even though Witches in the West don’t face the level of discrimination they did just thirty years ago, this is still a path that sometimes comes with negative consequences. To be a Witch is to dare to be different, to live a life that’s different from one spent in the throngs of mundania.


            “Though standing in sacred space is not often equated with bravery, I believe that it’s a very brave act. To walk in the footsteps of goddesses and expose yourself to things greater than us humans takes courage, but Witches dare to do such things. As Witches we also explore the feelings and emotions that exist inside of us, and often these are things that we might find disturbing. But we do this as Witches because we want to explore our worlds both within and without. The mantra ‘to dare’ is often associated with the element of water, the element of death and initiation. Death and initiation are both journeys into the unknown, and such rites of passage require bravery and daring.”

            Now, before the break, I am reminded, by reading and sharing Jason’s words, of the liminality we witches stand in and represent. We are truly betwixt and between, neither wholly in this our world nor entirely in the Other—though we might wish to be. We have our feet straddling multiple worlds at a time—and to do that, to relate to and work with so many beings and spirits and humans alike, takes great courage and bravery. A strong sense of self. A confidence. A knowing. A daring. And thus, to knock upon etheric and physical doors, we take those deep breaths and courageously enact change. Pretty powerful notion, right?

            Refill your drinking horns, your goblets, your chalices, for the second half of The Witches’ Pyramid, after this brief break. 

            (transition music)


            How many times have you done a working or act of magick, then shared it with others—and found the results to be less than what you expected? It begs the question: why is magick less powerful when it is shared? Why is its power based so much in secrecy? To answer these questions and conundrums, let us continue our investigation into the remaining sides of the Witches’ Pyramid. 

            From Jason again, “To Will: When [we] call upon [our] will during a magickal operation, [we are] using all the collective energy and experience [we] have inside [ourselves] to create a new reality. Our will is what manifests change, and if we don’t utilize our will we won’t get the results we are looking for in our magickal work. Our will also applies to the tools we have at our disposal outside of ourselves; our will fuels the internal fire that gives us the desire to study and learn.

            “Our will is also about overcoming roadblocks and getting around obstacles and obstructions that stand in the way of our goals. In its purest form, the inner will is reflective of who we are as people…when circumstances are difficult, the Witch overcomes those challenges out of a sheer desire to succeed. ‘To will’ doesn’t mean that we will always be able to solve every problem thrown at us, but it does mean that we are capable of getting past them. The will has always been associated with the element of fire, and that’s no different in the Witches’ Pyramid.”

            This portion of the Pyramid reminds me of the following maxim: the Will and the Word. Magick truly is as simple as that, is it not? When you put your mind to something, there is nothing you cannot achieve. That is what is so remarkable about human beings and their ingenuity. Think about it: every piece of technology in our world came from the minds of humans—created through their will and imagination. Is that not an act of magick? The classic underdog stories, of actors especially, who defy the odds and norms and status quos to become stars and masters of the craft—that all happens through an unshakeable will. And a belief in oneself. 

            So ultimately, what I have come to realize through this discussion and research is that magick is in everything—and therein lies the secret. Our power lies in the shadows and secrets so that its true knowledge and inner machinations remain as fuel for ordinary acts of will, bravery, and courage in our world today. The simple act of waking up and completing the tasks for the day: that is magick. Creating a new piece of art or craft from within your mind’s eye, to paper, or painting—that is magick. All fueled by the will to do and the power to create. It is truly a remarkable thing, and a philosophical notion that is inherently within all. Makes you think, right?

            And finally, the last of the traditional sides of the Witches’ Pyramid. From Jason: “To Keep Silent: Levi originally called the last leg of the pyramid ‘To Keep Silence,’ but most Witches today use the better-sounding ‘to keep silent.’ Silence can refer to many things. It’s about the power of listening and saying nothing when the time calls for it. It’s about the still, small voice inside ourselves that often offers wisdom and guidance. Instead of offering excuses for our failures, it’s often better just to be quiet and accept the truth of our failings so we can learn from them.


            “Silence also extends to other Witches. A Witch should not ‘out’ another Witch unless they have permission to do so. (It’s easy to understand why this was an extremely important principle fifty years ago.) There’s also power that comes with being silent about our magickal operations. If we broadcast what we are doing magickally, we risk the possibility that our magick might be countered or interfered with in some way. Most magickal operations are better off not being spoken about. ‘To keep silent’ is often associated with the element of earth.”

            The deep silence of underground caves and caverns resonates within this portion of the Pyramid. Just as Jason says, to remain silent is to be safe and secure—and to remain wise about when and when not to interject or create change. For we all know words have power: there are moments we wish we could take back, after saying harsh words—words that changed our lives forever? Words are magick. I as an actor know this—there are several moments throughout my acting career that I wish were different, based upon what I said in response to a question or query. My magick faltered in those moments, because I forgot how to remain silent. I was too daring, too bold, too hungry. Now, though, there is a deep well of silence within that provides comfort in the present moment—a comfort that allows space and time for myself to think and feel before responding. And perhaps that is what is also contained in this maxim of remaining silent: the ability to become fully aware of the present moment, intellectually and intuitively. For when we are able to do that, there is nothing in the world that can bring us down. Think about that for a moment.             

            So I suggest we all do the following, on the night you listen to this episode: grab four candles and turn off the lights. Sit in the darkness for a moment, feeling into yourself and the space. Cast a circle or tread the compass round if you wish, again, in the darkness. Then light the candles clockwise, beginning in the East: for Air, To Know. Then South, for Fire, to Will. West, for Water, To Dare. North, for Earth, To Be Silent. Sit in this constructed pyramid of power and contemplate each of the maxims present within the foundations of witchcraft. What do they mean to you? What do you excel in—and what might remain an opportunity for excellence within you? What might you do too much? If needed, revisit the Witches’ Creed and the vast amount of wisdom contained therein—speak it aloud in this space and time, if you wish, especially this second stanza:                                     “Mysterious water and fire, 

                         The earth and the wide-ranging air, 

                         By hidden quintessence we know them,  

                         And will and keep silent and dare.”

            Repeat the stanza as a chant, allowing the words to pull you deeper into yourself and your understanding, and relationship with, the foundation of witchcraft. Of Magick. How does this make you feel? What resonates within you? What spirits or deities contact you in this moment? And what goals lay ahead of you to journey towards and achieve?

            At the end of the day, these following are simply words: know, dare, will, be silent. But the thoughts, energies, attitudes, emotions, connotations, memories, and magicks attached to them elevate their stature and allow them to be so much more. They infuse everything we do, and empower our actions and magicks every moment of every day. They keep us grounded, resonate, warmed, and comforted—pushed, pulled, cajoled, encouraged, and humble. They are the goals we strive for, and the honor we hold in our hearts and spirits. And ultimately, they are the gifts from the ancients—our Ancestors—that connect us all together. Like threads woven in the tapestry, spun by the Spinners and Weavers of Fate themselves. And what a powerful notion that it is. For in our connection lies our strength—and thus we know, that your magick, my magick…our magick…will always be stronger…because of it.

            (transition music)


            The stories, research, and production elements were done and edited, respectively, by me, Kieran, with sources attached in the description. If you want to be a guest on the show, or have a topic you wish me to explore and discuss, send me an email at And be sure to hit the follow button, on whichever platform you enjoy the podcast, and look forward to more content next week. Until then, seek the veil between the worlds, and allow yourself to travel…Beyond the Seas.