Beyond the Seas

To and Fro: Portals, Doorways, and Magickal Pathways

Kieran Danaan Season 1 Episode 23

The burning desire to travel between here and there, over vast distances, without ever moving more than a single step, has lived within our spirits forever. And yet, we have yet to unlock such amazing potentiality. But what might actually work?

Instagram: @beyondtheseaspodcast
Tarot Collaboration: @thefeatherwitchnyc
Weekly Book:
The Shining and The White Mare
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Subscribe for all the mythological and folkloric episodes, posted weekly.

-Crookes, David and Daisy Dobrijevic. “Who Do Black Holes Lead To?”, 5 January 2022.
-“The Gate of the Gods.” Ancient Wisdom.
-Leafloor, Liz. “Do You Dare to Enter a Fairy Ring? The Mythical Mushroom Portals of the Supernatural.” Ancient Origins, 28 August 2018.
-Perera, Demi. "The Unsolved Mystery of Sri Lanka’s 'Stargate.’” BBC, 3 May 2021.
-Stojkovic, Dejan.  “What Are Wormholes? An Astrophysicist Explains These Shortcuts Through Space-Time.”, 17 November 2023.

"Ashe" by Hans Johnson
"Intimacy" by Ben Winwood
"Storm Rising" by Romeo
"Shelter" by Jay Putty
"Irish Mountains" by Ben Winwood

Cheers all,

Tonight, as we wait by the hearth, we hear them coming. 

Through the ancient doorway that opens on this night every year. 

Our breath come quickly, as our hearts begin to race.

For the pounding of their footsteps grows ever louder, and nearer.

And from the Wise One sitting before us,

Gazing out the window, at the windy, star-studded night,

We see Her face turn slowly to us, and recite the following:

“The host is riding from Knocknarea

And over the grave of Clooth-na-Bare;

Caoilte tossing his burning hair,

And Niamh calling Away, come away:

Empty your heart of its mortal dream.

The winds awaken, the leaves whirl round,

Our cheeks are pale, our hair is unbound,

Our breasts are heaving, our eyes are agleam,

Our arms are waving, our lips are apart;

And if any gaze on our rushing band,

We come between him and the deed of his hand,

We come between him and the hope of his heart.

The host is rushing ‘twixt night and day,

And where is there hope or deed as fair?

Caoilte tossing his burning hair,

And Niamh calling Away, come away.”

Suddenly, the footsteps stop,

And a knock is heard at the door.

Our gaze turns to the Wise One,

Who simply…smiles. 

For She knows that our adventure…

Has only just begun. 

(transition music)


            Grand tidings and welcome to you on this, the twenty-third episode of Beyond the Seas. My name is Kieran and here we are again, back at it for another week. I am so happy to be here with you all today, and to kicking off the episode with W.B. Yeats’ poem The Hosting of the Sidhe. Gods, I love that poem. I want to start off the episode with a moment of gratitude. So here’s to all of you and the time we get to spend here together. Ergo, the whole Instagram thing and email thing, yadee yadee yada, but in all seriousness they are highly valuable tools. So! @beyondtheseaspodcast and @thefeatherwitchnyc, to follow Claudia’s amazing tarot reels that she posts every Monday night, as a part of our collaboration. And you can email me too, at, if you have ideas and topics you want me to discuss—or if you want to be a guest on the show! I’m hoping to bring more people on, as the show continues its birthing process. So if you wanna talk lore, legend, and Craft, y’all know where to find me. 

            And now, artistic and literary updates! Audition Season in New York City continues and it is quite the grind. I leave in about a week and a half for my next show, so the soundscape and landscape of the podcast is about to change again! Hahaha. Now, there is a book that I am going to review because I read it in three days last week—and I simply could not put it down. It is Stephen King’s The Shining. Wow. Just. Wow. It was such a fantastic read—and my first foray into King’s writing. What I love most about this piece is the prose: the tone and voice King uses for our main characters are relatable, grounded, frightened, peaked, and nefarious. I loved turning the page to see what would happen next. There was an otherworldly, liminal quality to the story that relates most strongly to our show and its themes, which made the book all the more enjoyable. Now, I did rent the film after I finished the book, to compare the two, and found that there were some remarkable differences—but also some nods in the film to what happens in the novel. I love the slow descent into madness that Jack Torrance, the father of the story, experiences in the novel—you feel like you are falling into that dark rabbit hole right alongside him. And with Wendy, his wife, and Danny, his son, you are biting your nails and feeling the hairs on the back of your neck stand up whenever his eyebrow raises, or voice changes, or shoulders fall. It was such a fantastic read, and I cannot recommend it highly enough. It does contain strong, strong language, so keep it away from the reach of little ones. Definitely made for adults only. Regardless, great read. 

            And now, the Card of the Week! This week is no joke kiddos, because Claudia pulled the highest of the highs, the leader of the pack, the Keeper of the Ways. The High Priestess. She who stands between you and the Unknown. She reminds us of our fears, anxieties, trepidations, and potential. For what holds us back is able to heal through the power of our will and intention, as reminded by the High Priestess. She is knowledgeable and wise, guarding the ancient wisdom of the past and allowing the worthy to travel through the portal behind her to the other side. And how interesting to note that she relates SO WELL to our topic this week.        

            And now, the Wine of the Week! So, um, I have some news. I…do not have a bottle of wine to review this week because I am taking a break from imbibing at the moment. I feel great after almost two weeks of a break, and my body and voice are thanking me so much for the time off; so, I stand in solidarity with everyone’s choice to drink or not. I’ll definitely get back on the wagon soon, to get all those new wines reviewed and out there for you, my dear listeners; but this week, instead, I’m going to review a TEA! A TEA! He said A TEA! Hahahaha!! It is so bright and springy and I loved brewing it every night last week: it is the Positive Vibes tea from the Yogi brand, I think. It is ORANGE-Y, so so orange forward. Tangy, bright, sour, and soothing, it couples so well with twilight and the falling of the day into night. I added fresh lemon juice into the mix, which only enhanced the citrus notes and bright levels. Cannot recommend this brew enough. 

            And finally, this week’s topic. I have a feeling this episode is going to be rather lengthy—and I am super excited about that. I was working at my school in Manhattan on Friday of last week, thinking, “what in the heck am I going to talk about next week?’ And I sat for a minute or two, then headed off to teach my next class. And the entire school is full of stairs, it’s nothing but stairs, and I’m grateful for the stairs because they help me stay so thin and fit. But the thought did occur to me how much easier life would be if teleportation were an actual thing. And that’s when the topic hit me: Portals, Doorways, and Magickal Pathways. Of course, there is scientific reasoning and evidence for such phenomena to actually work, but what arcane and occult lore exists to support it? How might we open these doorways—and where to? Why should we concern ourselves with the mystical gifts of Traveling Beyond? And how might we incorporate this ability into our Craft today?

            For now, grab your favorite bottle of red, find a comfy chair, and close your eyes as I tell you the tale of To and Fro: Portals, Doorways, and Magickal Pathways—and take you…

            Beyond the Seas.

            (transition music)


            We as a species have always wanted to travel. The sense of adventure, in the looking to the horizon, and wondering, “what lies beyond?” To have the ability to pick up your life at a moment’s notice and head off to far distatnt lands…or worlds. You felt it, didn’t you? That butterfly in your stomach just now? Picture in your mind’s eye the place you felt the most excited to travel towards in your life—it could have been from when you were a child, or only last week. What sights were you most looking forward to there? What sounds and experiences? Were you alone, or with your loved ones? And what made you change and grow as a spirit being, as a result of this traveling?

            Scientifically, the concept of bridging the divide betwixt here and there has been explored in such tales as Star Trek, A Wrinkle in Time, and Stargate. Einstein himself worked on theories of Wormholes and Black Holes, as they related to the concept of gravity and relativity. I am sure Stephen Hawking was right there alongside him, giving him support with research and thoughts of his own. Now, let’s get the science-y stuff out of the way first, hahaha. So strap in, kiddos, and grab a sip or two of your brew, because it’s about to get interesting…I hope, ahaha. 

            In terms of Wormholes, there was a great article I found from the Astronomy website, as written by Dejan Stojkovic, at the University of Buffalo. Within, he describes how we may “imagine two towns on two opposite sides of a mountain. People from these towns would probably have to travel all the way around the mountain to visit one another. But, if they wanted to get there faster, they could dig a tunnel straight through the mountain to create a shortcut. That’s the idea behind a wormhole.

            “A wormhole is like a tunnel between two distant points in our universe that cuts the travel time from one point to the other. Instead of traveling for many millions of years from one galaxy to another, under the right conditions one could theoretically use a wormhole to cut the travel time down to hours or minutes.

            “Because wormholes represent shortcuts through space-time, they could even act like time machines. You might emerge from one end of a wormhole at a time earlier than when you entered its other end.”

            Now, how does that concept relate to what we have all heard about regarding Black Holes? According to David Crookes and Daisy Dobrijevic’s article on, “Ever since Albert Einstein's general theory of relativity was considered to have predicted black holes by linking space-time with the action of gravity, it has been known that black holes result from the death of a massive star leaving behind a small, dense remnant core. Assuming this core has more than roughly three times the mass of the sun, gravity would overwhelm to such a degree that it would fall in on itself into a single point, or singularity, understood to be the black hole's infinitely dense core. 

            “The resulting uninhabitable black hole would have such a powerful gravitational pull that not even light could avoid it. So, should you then find yourself at the event horizon—the point at which light and matter can only pass inward, as proposed by the German astronomer Karl Schwarzschild—there is no escape…tidal forces would reduce your body into strands of atoms (or 'spaghettification', as it is also known) and the object would eventually end up crushed at the singularity. The idea that you could pop out somewhere — perhaps at the other side — seems utterly fantastical.

            “Over the years scientists have looked into the possibility that black holes could be wormholes to other galaxies. They may even be, as some have suggested, a path to another universe. 

            “Such an idea has been floating around for some time: Einstein teamed up with Nathan Rosen to theorize bridges that connect two different points in space-time in 1935. But it gained some fresh ground in the 1980s when physicist Kip Thorne — one of the world's leading experts on the astrophysical implications of Einstein's general theory of relativity — raised a discussion about whether objects could physically travel through them… journeys through these theoretical tunnels would most likely remain science fiction, and there is certainly no firm evidence that a black hole could allow for such a passage. 

            “Certainly, if black holes do lead to another part of a galaxy or another universe, there would need to be something opposite to them on the other side. Could this be a white hole — a theory put forward by Russian cosmologist Igor Novikov in 1964? Novikov proposed that a black hole links to a white hole that exists in the past. Unlike a black hole, a white hole will allow light and matter to leave, but light and matter will not be able to enter.

            “Scientists have continued to explore the potential connection between black and white holes. In their 2014 study published in the journal Physical Review D, physicists Carlo Rovelli and Hal M. Haggard claimed that ‘there is a classic metric satisfying the Einstein equations outside a finite space-time region where matter collapses into a black hole and then emerges from a while hole.’ In other words, all of the material black holes have swallowed could be spewed out, and black holes may become white holes when they die.”

            Now hang on with me, folks, for one more scientific quandary. Going back to our dear friend and confidante, Quantum Physics, there is the idea of entanglement: two objects that are linked together through a channel, even at vast and infinite distances. Remember when I talked about our thoughts and words affecting the farthest star in the Universe, a few episodes ago? Here is the exact theory that purposes how that would work. Essentially, from what I read, two objects that are connected in such a way, through the quantum field of energy, transmit information from Source A (let us visualize this as you) to Source B (the farthest star) through the channel of the quantum field. In technology today, that is the relay of information—my podcast—from my computer in Manhattan to your phone, computer, or device across the world—through the channel of fiber optics and the internet. Immediately teleported. Immediately available. So, overall, teleportation, according to Quantum Physics, is the imprinting of information from A to B, through the common field of energy. Not too bad or complicated, right? However, the actual application of teleportation has yet to be unlocked and utilized…insofar as we are aware today. 

            This discussion now lends its own doorway into a new avenue of scientific and mythological themes, one that begins to bridge the divide between the known and unknown. It is the topic of the Stargate. Now, in Hollywood, that film was a huge success and people loved it. But in global mythology, there are literal places on the Earth that the Ancients regarded as links between our world and that of the Heavens. Ergo, let us turn our attention to the East: Sri Lanka. There, according to Demi Perera from the BBC, “Sri Lanka's sacred city of Anuradhapura is an unlikely place to be enmeshed in a fantastic tale of UFOs and otherworldly happenings. Locally known as Rajarata (Land of Kings), the Unesco World Heritage Site was the first established kingdom on the island (in 377 BC) and is at the heart of Sri Lanka's Buddhist culture. Today, it's one of the nation's most visited places, attracting devoted pilgrims from around the country to its ancient Buddhist temples and giant dome-shaped stupas.

            “But this holy city is also home to something far more curious. Here, in Ranmasu Uyana (Golden Fish Park), a 40-acre ancient urban park surrounded by three Buddhist temples, is a chart that's alleged to be a map to unlock the secrets of the Universe.

            “Measuring around 1.8m in diameter, Sakwala Chakraya (which translates to "Universe Cycle" in Sinhalese) is shallowly carved onto a low rock face among the protected park ruins. Its front facade can only be seen from ground level. In fact, four seats have been sculpted into a flat rock surface opposite that provide the ideal viewing area. Both the map and seats, which are also of mysterious origin, have puzzled historians, archaeologists and academics for more than a century.

            “While little is known about the chart and its purpose, the iconography is incompatible with other carvings of the Anuradhapura period (3rd-10th Century AD). The chart's centre is made up of seven concentric circles divided by parallel vertical and horizontal lines. Rectangular compartments contain small, crossed circles. To the untrained eye, there are figures resembling umbrellas or bow and arrows, a kite, wavy lines and cylindrical shapes. An outer ring depicts marine animals: fish, turtles, seahorses.

            “When compared to other carvings from the same period such as the Sandakada Pahana, which depicts vines, swans and a lotus, all typical of Buddhist iconography, the chart is without religious context, leaving it without an obvious explanation as to why it is here.

            “…Eagle-eyed tourists have remarked on parallels between the chart in Anuradhapura and similar sites in other countries that are believed by some to be stargates – ancient gateways through which humans could enter the Universe. Their theory goes that the chart holds the secret code for unlocking the portal.

            “Conspiracy theorists noted that the stargate of Anuradhapura had near-identical shapes and symbols to those found at Abu Ghurab in Egypt and La Puerta de Hayu Marka in Peru. The most striking similarity, it was said, as speculation around Sri Lanka's stargate reached its peak, is its proximity to water. The nearby Tissa Weva reservoir, built in 300 BC, has been thrown around as conclusive evidence, since both Abu Ghurab and La Puerta de Hayu Marka were also built near water, which, according to the stargate theory, allowed extra-terrestrial beings to process gold from Earth's water.”

            There are two more Stargates I want to talk about before the break, so strap in with another gulp of your brew! Let us head to South America, to Peru. Here exists La Puerta de Hayu Marka, translating to The Gate of the Gods. According to the Ancient Wisdom website, “This huge mysterious door-like structure in the Hayu Marca mountain region of Southern Peru near Lake Titicaca, lies 35 kilometres from the city of Puno and is found in an area which has long been revered by local indians as the "City of the Gods." Although no actual city has ever been discovered, the area is known as a Spirit Forest, or Stone Forest, made of strange rock formations that resemble buildings, people, and other artificial structures (Simulacrum). The door or the "Puerta de Hayu Marca" (Gate of the Gods) has been, at some time in the distant past, carved out of a natural rock face and in all, measures exactly 23' in height and width, with a smaller alcove in the centre at the base which measures in at just under 6' in height.

            “The [indigenous peoples] of the region had a legend that spoke of ‘a gateway to the lands of the Gods,’ and in that legend, it was said that in times long past great heroes had gone to join their gods, and passed through the gate for a glorious new life of immortality, and on rare occasions those men returned for a short time with their gods to ‘inspect all the lands in the kingdom’ through the gate.

            “Another legend tells of the time when the Spanish Conquistadors arrived in Peru and looted gold and precious stones from the Inca tribes. According to one legend an Incan priest of the Temple of the Seven Rays named Amaru Meru (Aramu Muru) fled from his temple with a sacred golden disk known as ‘the key of the gods of the seven rays,’ and hid in the mountains of Hayu Marca. He eventually came upon the doorway which was being watched by shamen priests. He showed them the key of the gods and a ritual was performed with the conclusion of a magical occurrence initiated by the golden disk which opened the portal, and according to the legend blue light did emanate from a tunnel inside. The priest Amaru Meru handed the golden disk to the shamen and then passed through the portal ‘never to be seen again.’ Archeologists have observed a small hand sized circular depression on the right hand side of the small entranceway, and have theorized that this is where a small disk could be placed and held by the rock.”

            Before the break, let us tie all of this together, yes? Wormholes, Black Holes, Quantum Physics, and Stargates. The scientific backbone of our universal perspective that grants the possibility of interdimensional travel. To bridge the divide and distance between here and there. Is it possible that Blach Holes lead to White Holes—and time and space are inverted, twisted, and shortened within, as they create a Wormhole? Within Quantum Physics, which is the entirety of what magick, The Craft, and the Old Ways have flouted for millennia, there is the field that connects all to all. If we are able to tap into that common field of connectivity, and utilize such energies in the space-time continuum that is the phenomena in space, the theories behind the Stargates become more realistic and less mysterious. For the ancients found the pathway, perhaps lost to time, to Those Above: The Star Peoples. Who are never as far away as we think. I hope all of that made sense. Hahaha. Ultimately, if we find the deepest magicks in our spirits and psyches—that deepest of silences within—we will begin to hear the harmonious resonances of how to open the bridges from our world…to those beyond. In the stars and heavens. And imagine: what great adventures lie beyond the other side of those doorways? And who would we encounter and meet? 

            Refill your drinking horns, your goblets, your chalices, for the second half of To and Fro: Portals, Doorways, and Magickal Pathways after this brief break.           

            (transition music)


            “The Hosting of the Sidhe,” in W.B. Yeats’ The Celtic Twilight, heralds a fantastic theme. The idea of the Otherworldly peoples traveling into our world, through doorways and portals arcane, is not new territory. These stories and legends have existed for thousands of years—and will continue to do so long after we are gone. Within, we today experience the myth and magick of Them Who Have Gone Before, wherein we learn that on certain nights of the year—at certain places—the Veil thins, and opens the door between our world and the Otherworld. As a result, the spirits of Nature, ghosts, fayerie beings, The Good Neighbors, the Huldúfolk, all may enter our world…or we may enter theirs. 

            For that is the true heart of these tales, that fascinates me to this day. Those doorways are not necessarily for their benefit—but for ours. We may choose to cross those ancient thresholds and venture into the lands beyond, to those betwixt and between, to learn the lessons and return home with wisdom. But the tales of old are constantly reminding us to maintain vigilance: the way back is not easy to come by. For if certain rules or taboos are broken, we are forever kept on the other side and unable to return home. 

            Take, for instance, the way into Fairyland. It may be as simple as stepping into a mushroom ring, also known as a fairy ring. Here, so the legends, say, the fayerie beings have danced previously, or they have taken up residence underground. There are some tales that make mention of the mushrooms and ring resulting from the work of witches and sorcerers, especially in Eastern Europe. But suffice it to say, the ring itself is a liminal space: one that acts as a portal, a doorway, to the Other Side and the Spirits of Nature that reside there. Another way into fairyland was mentioned in one of my earlier episodes, Legends of the Mountains, where I recounted the story of the Door to Fairyland that exists in the side of Ben Bulben mountain. There, so the stories from Sligo, Ireland go, the white chalky rectangular shape that no mortal man has touched—in the side of the mountain—swings open every night and the Host of the Sidhe rides out. And sometimes, they return to Faeryland not emptyhanded. 

            Those are but two examples of the way into the liminal, middle kingdom. Other such ways are stone circles and standing stones, dolmens, and burial mounds. Within the ancient Celtic mindset, bodies of water—streams, rivers, lakes, bogs, and seas—were entrances to the Underworld. That thin and amorphous veil was sacred to the peoples and many a gift and treasure were sacrificed to the Gods of the Waters and the Spirits of the Otherworld. 

            If one were to pass through a trilithon, upside down U-shaped formation of two standing stones topped with a third, one very well may venture forth into lands unknown. Or even times. Take, for instance, the stone circle on Craigh na Dun, in the show Outlander. Though a fictional circle, it is based off of the Callanish Stone Circle on the Isle of Lewis, off the coast of Scotland; here, Claire, the main character, touches the stones and travels back to another time in the past. These stories, folks, come from somewhere—from a grain of truth. Passed down from generation to generation. And the stones themselves hold memory and magick: if we have the courage to venture forth to those circles and find the magick within, we very well may also procure the key that unlocks the portals inherent within the formations. 

            Furthermore, caves in our world have long been regarded as entrances to sacred places, Otherworlds, and distant times. The Greek underworld of Hades was guarded by Cerberus, a three-headed dog, that stands watch outside the cave’s entrance. On the other side is the way down to the Realm of the Dead. Shamans of old would venture forth into the womb of the Mother Goddess, to paint their perspectives and visions of life and Nature. Lit only by flame, they described through art their sight of the world around them—and their experiences thereof. In this regard, the way to and from their world was cemented through the crawling and obeisance of the shamans and people through the tight, stone-enclosed entranceway. In the Celtic lands, the burial mounds and dolmens expose a small trilithon at their base that covers a tunnel-like entrance into the hollow hill itself. In their history, the tribesman would show respect to the spirits of their ancestors and the dead by crawling through this tunnel-like entrance and into the dimly-lit chambers of the mounds. 

            Of course, going back to one of my earlier episodes, Ley Lines and Spirit Roads, the convergence of these lines around the Earth create a geomagnetic frequency that, when applied to the concepts and findings of Quantum Physics, opens doorways to other times and places. These sacred sites are marked by hollow hills, standing stones and stone circles, pyramids, grand structures, and pieces of ancient art. When we work with Weaving Energy, another of my earlier episodes, we are able to tap into the Source and connect with the amplified energies of these sites—thus able to open the portals to the beyond. 

            Thus, when we cast the circle or tread the compass round, we invite in that liminality and sacred opening of the ways. A few nights ago, when I was celebrating the full moon, I intoned, “The way is open for those with love and light. Here are my boundaries in this space that is mine, but the way is open. The door is open. This circle is a portal to the Otherworlds and Them I Yearn To Reach.” That was a powerful moment. And a wonderful reminder that we have the power, as interdimensional spirit beings, to enact these openings. 

            So the next time you find yourself in the Circle, or out in Nature, remember that you have the ability to travel beyond. Now, there is an inherent moral and ethical responsibility when doing so: always close the door behind you, when finished, and never tamper with things beyond your ken. Set boundaries of what is and is not allowed in your space, and venture forth with caution. 

            Yet, venture forth with adventure, too. Venture forth with the spirit of discovery and wonder, as you embark upon a quest of inspiration and knowledge. Cut the doorway in your circle with your athame or sword, above and below and around you, so as to feel the physical sensation of that opening. Travel, if able, to sacred sites or energetic crossroads, where the planet has gifted us the pathways into the worlds beyond. Make offerings of wine, breads, cheeses, crystals, herbs, and liquors there, so as to invite the aid and assistance of the Ancestors and Spirits of Nature in your adventure. 

            Meditate on the image of the doorway, unique in your own psyche. Allow it to create an opening in the depths of your spirit, one that is safe and sacred to you. Here, you may travel to the Otherworld and parallel dimensions, whenever you meditate and sit in silence with yourself. Here too is the power and ability to develop mediumship and communication with the spirits of the dead and Nature. 

            And now, back to the Card of the Week. The High Priestess is the Watcher of the Road. She is Hecate, the Goddess of the Crossroads. She stands in that liminal space, betwixt and between, ushering we the wise ones and witches to follow her Lantern of Light and Book oF Truth into the Unknown. For when we inwardly open the portals in our spirits and minds, then outwardly in the physical world, our words and actions are guided by Her hand. The High Priestess is our will made real. The light of our knowledge and wisdom leading our footsteps into the greatest journey of all: into the beyond. 

            And ultimately, know that we as species will inevitably find the physical and actual power of Traveling in this regard. It is only a matter of time. The science is there. The will is there. The legends of old are there, to support and give guidance. It is only a matter of time until we become the greatest versions of ourselves—spiritually, intellectually, emotionally—so as to take our place in the greater cosmos of beings. 

            For our magick leads us to this inevitable conclusion.

            As we cast our circles round,

            We open the doors to the realms beyond. 

            We open our spirts to the dimensions beyond. 

            We open our minds and hearts to the messages of Them From Beyond. 

            And perhaps one day, we will venture to the Stars themselves. 

            Or into the world of the Good Neighbors and Sidhe. 

            That is separated only by the thinnest of veils. 

            For there, when we arrive, we will meet the Old Ones

            And learn of their might and magick.  

            And our Craft, as a result, will always be stronger…

            Because of it. 

            (transition music)

            The stories, research, and production elements were done and edited, respectively, by me, Kieran, with sources attached in the description. If you want to be a guest on the show, or have a topic you wish me to explore and discuss, send me an email at And be sure to hit the follow button, on whichever platform you enjoy the podcast, and look forward to more content next week. Until then, seek the veil between the worlds, and allow yourself to travel…Beyond the Seas.